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CE Classes for Massage Therapists.
NCBTMB Approved.

All CSI Institute CE classes are NCBTMB Approved for Massage Therapy CEs.

All Manual Therapy Practitioners are welcome. 

The typical human body is asymmetrical in both structure and function.  Contributing significantly to these asymmetries is the body’s neuromusculoskeletal compensations for the almost-universal presence of two chronic craniosacral patterns: a Right Torsion and a Left Lateral Strain. Chiropractors, osteopaths, physical therapists and others use a wide variety of modalities to treat cranial, spinal, and pelvic patterns and their compensatory neuromusculo-skeletal dysfunctions.

However, manual muscle testing and other evaluation procedures from Applied Kinesiology demonstrate that both the chronic Right Torsion and the Left Lateral Strain patterns, as well as their compensatory neuromusculoskeletal patterns, are almost always still present in both the general and clinical populations.  These findings indicate that the treatment procedures currently in general use are not effective in treating these chronic patterns.

The chronic Right Torsion and the Left Lateral Strain patterns can be considered ‘pseudo-structural’ in the sense that the position and function of the cranial components, and the resulting chronic patterns of musculoskeletal compensation, are long-standing. (See CranioSomatic Syndrome). Their resolution requires special treatment procedures to release the cranial soft-tissue holding elements and mobilize the osseous cranial structures.

Workshop - Grad certif - Dr Kim & Dallas

Hancock CranioSomatic Institute presents a series of classes which provide the concepts and procedures which can permanently eliminate these two chronic cranial patterns and their associated compensatory musculoskeletal dysfunctions. The procedures do not need to be repeated. (See CranioStructural Integration).


A brief description of each CE class is presented below these notable features.

Notable features of the CranioSomatic Therapy class:

  • Cranial models are used as teaching aids in class. These realistic models facilitate understanding of cranial anatomy and the application of cranial techniques.

  • The student / instructor ratio is typically no greater than 12 /1 to maximize the effectiveness of our unique training approach.

  • Detailed manuals are included in the workshop tuition. These ensure accurate recall of the workshop concepts, minimize the necessity of taking notes, and facilitate correct use of the procedures in clinical applications.

  • The CranioSomatic Therapy workshops build on knowledge and skills developed in the preceding workshops and are designed to be taken sequentially, as listed below:

CE Classes - Overview 

Class Descriptions

CranioSomatic Foundations 1 & 2:

The first objective of this workshop is for participants to learn how to test muscles associated with specific sutures. The second objective is for participants to learn how to locate sutures and release sutural restrictions. The third objective is for participants to become confident in releasing sutural restrictions of the vault and facial regions by using a 13-Step Protocol at the end of any therapy session. This protocol can also be used as a stand-alone treatment, in conjunction with other modalities, and as an effective self-care therapy. This workshop is a prerequisite for CSF-2 & CSI.

2-days; 16 CE hours. Prerequisite: Healthcare Provider

This workshop provides instruction in identifying and treating the ten sphenobasilar (SB) patterns. Muscle function is linked to each pattern, and treatment uses cranial range of motion procedures. These SB releases can be used as ‘stand- alone’ treatment, in conjunction with other modalities, and as self-care. Experience in performing SB movements is essential in the treatment of the chronic Right Torsion and Left Lateral Strain patterns in the CSI workshop.

2-days; 16 CE hours. Pre-requisite: CSF-1

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CSI CranioStructural Integration®: Structural Correction of the Primary Human Compensatory Pattern

CranioStructural Integration (CSI), the third workshop in our CranioSomatic series, provides procedures for correcting the chronic Cranial Patterns. CSI uses the skills developed in treating the 10 SB patterns to eliminate the chronic Right Torsion and Left Lateral Strain patterns, and their compensatory neuromusculoskeletal patterns. The CSI corrective procedures require approximately 1-11⁄2 hours of treatment time, and can be performed in either one extended treatment session or several shorter sessions. The CSI procedures do not need to be repeated because the soft-tissue elements that were maintaining these chronic patterns are permanently changed by CSI.

2-days; 16 CE hours. Prerequisite: CSF-2

This workshop focuses on identifying and treating the ten SB patterns. Manual muscle testing of eight muscles/groups can identify eight of the SB patterns; therapy localization and challenge procedures are used to confirm the presence of a lateral strain pattern and to determine which side is involved. Eight of the SB patterns can be treated by realigning the pelvis using pelvic wedges. SB Sidebending with Rotation patterns are treated by the cranial ranges presented in our second workshop (CSF-2). SB patterns will be correlated with at about 30 postural muscles and their related pattern of sutural restrictions.

1-days; 8 CE hours. Prerequisite: CSI

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Facilitated Pathways Intervention: The Shortcut to Rehabilitating the Human Neuromuscular Movement System

FPI is a gentle manual release of superficial tissues of the head, neck, and clavicle, utilizing unique myofascial-type techniques. It is effective in resolving focal and diffuse musculoskeletal pain throughout the body, whether recent or chronic, and is especially effective when the etiology is repetitive motion or trauma. FPI-1 includes movements of the neck, wrists, ankles, and eyes.

2-days; 16 CE hours. Prerequisite: CSF-1 or Consent of Instructor

Recurring headaches and chronic pain that have not responded to other approaches can often be relieved with these gentle techniques that provide long-term relief. Chronic shoulder and neck problems can be resolved when the shoulder and hip patterns are released, and many back pain problems respond favorably to the hip and spine/torso techniques.

$395 Early $445 Regular

2-days; 16 CE hours. Prerequisite: FPI-1

The focus of FPI-3 is advanced evaluations and treatment procedures. It is learning to use FPI to effectively identify and treat a wide range of specific symptoms in any part of the musculoskeletal system. Dysfunctional patterns are often related to trauma, surgeries, or activities involving intense repetitive motions, even if those events / activities happened long ago.

$445 Early $495 Regular

2-days; 16 CE hours. Prerequisite: FPI-2

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Hancock CranioSomatic Institute

7827 N. Armenia Ave.

Tampa, FL 33604

Tel: 813-933-6335

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