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G. Dallas Hancock,

D.C., Ph.D.

 Flo Barber-Hancock, L.M.T., Ph.D.

Dr. Hancock

Florida Licensures:

Chiropractic:  #CH2446

Massage Establishment:  #MM3054


NCBTMB:  #385474-00

Academic / Clinical Education:      

Ph.D., Union Institute & University

Masters of Science, National-Louis University

Doctor of Chiropractic,

Los Angeles College of Chiropractic

Massage Therapy, Suncoast School of Massage

 G. Dallas Hancock, D.C., Ph.D.  


Dr. Hancock is a Chiropractic Physician who specializes in cranial techniques.  He has maintained his private practice in Tampa, Florida since 1976.  Through years of clinical practice he has identified many frequently-occurring neuromuscular and postural patterns that are present in a large proportion of his patients.  These compensatory patterns appear to be secondary to chronic cranial patterns.  Dr. Hancock has developed effective, long-lasting cranial treatment procedures that release the primary cranial patterns, eliminate the related secondary neuromuscular compensatory patterns, and result in pain relief, improved posture, and better muscle function throughout the body.

Dr. Hancock began studying and utilizing cranial therapy in 1974.  He has attended cranial workshops presented by Drs. Boyd, DeCamp, DeJarnette, Gehin, Jecmen, Korneisel, Royster, Shea, Stober, Upledger, and Walker.  He has also studied the writings of Arbuckle, Brookes, Cottam, Goodheart, Liem, Lippincott, Magoun, Sutherland, Walther, and others.

Dr. Hancock founded the National Institute of Craniosacral Studies, Inc. (NICS) in 1988 to share with other healthcare professionals the knowledge he had derived from his studies and the new techniques he had developed.  He currently offers CranioSomatic workshops for healthcare professionals in the United States, Canada, Europe, and Asia through Hancock CranioSomatic Institute.

Workshop Text

Click here to read Dr. Hancock’s Preface to his CranioStructural Integration text.

Dr. Flo Barber Hancock


Licensed Massage Therapist:  

FL- #MA25843    NC- #LMBT15471

Academic / Clinical Education:

Ph.D., Union Institute & University

Masters of Science, National-Louis University

Bachelor of Education, University of South Florida

Massage Therapy, Suncoast School of Massage

 Flo Barber-Hancock, L.M.T., Ph.D. 


Dr. Florence ‘Flo’ Barber-Hancock specializes in pain relief, joint mobilization, and pediatric problems. Exploring patients’ treatment responses, she created new techniques in the late 1990s, and developed a unique cranial therapy – Facilitated Pathways Intervention® (FPI). The FPI therapy uses small, gentle massage-type techniques performed on the head, face, and neck. The treatment area is always related to a specific location of pain or dysfunction in the muscles or joints of the body. Dr. Barber-Hancock's FPI concepts and treatment findings were the topic of her Ph.D. dissertation, and this amazing therapy is the cornerstone of her clinical practice in musculoskeletal and neurosensory rehabilitation.

Dr. Barber-Hancock has been an LMT in private practice since 1998. She offers workshops in Facilitated Pathways Intervention® and other CranioSomatic therapies to healthcare professionals in the United States, Canada, and Europe through Hancock CranioSomatic Institute.

Publications by Dr. Flo Barber-Hancock:

Facilitated Pathways Workshop Manuals (link)


© 2025 by Hancock CranioSomatic Institute

Hancock CranioSomatic Institute

7827 N. Armenia Ave.

Tampa, FL 33604

Tel: 813-933-6335

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