Continuing Education Classes
CSF-1: The 13-Step Protocol of Sutural Releases
CSF-1: Muscle-Suture Relationships with a 13-Step Protocol
2-day workshop; 16 CE hours.
Prerequisite: Licensed Health Care Provider or consent of the instructor.
This workshop is a prerequisite for both CSF-2 & CSI.
Early $395; Regular Tuition $445

This first workshop of the CranioSomatic Therapy series introduces the CranioSomatic concept that alterations in the position and function of the osseous and soft tissue components of the cranium are reflected in predictable musculoskeletal responses. This course therefore includes essential cranial anatomy, manual muscle testing skills, and the 13-Step Protocol and related muscles.
The most important objective is for participants to become confident in releasing sutural restrictions of the vault and facial regions using this 13-Step Protocol at the end of each therapy session.
Hands-on skills in manual muscle testing and therapy localization (an Applied Kinesiology evaluation procedure) are developed, as they are used as evaluation procedures to locate sutural restrictions and demonstrate muscle-suture relationships. These skills provide practitioners with a new approach for identifying and strengthening inhibited muscles.
The 13-Step Protocol can also be used as a stand-alone treatment, in conjunction with other modalities, and as a self-care therapy. Sutural releases and the 13-Step Protocol are integral parts of all CranioSomatic modules.
Participants will learn:
Pertinent features of skull anatomy.
How to locate sutures on themselves and others.
Manual Muscle Testing techniques (from AK).
Therapy Localization techniques (from AK) to identify sutural restrictions.
A thirteen (13) step protocol for releasing sutural restrictions.
To use AK techniques to demonstrate muscle / suture relationships.
To perform pre- and post-treatment evaluations for sutural releases.
How to incorporate CranioSomatic concepts and the 13-Step Protocol into their existing clinical practice.
CSF-1: The 13-Step Protocol - Early: $395. Regular: $445.
This workshop is a prerequisite for CSF-2.
CranioSomatic Foundations - 2
CSF-2: Sphenobasilar Releases for the Ten Patterns
2-day workshop; 16 CE hours. Prerequisites: CSF-1
Early: 395 Regular: 445 ;
The main focus of this second workshop is the ten Sphenobasilar (SB) patterns. It provides participants with the knowledge and skills to identify and correct SB patterns using traditional osteopathic range-of-motion (ROM) procedures. The AK evaluation procedures presented in CSF-1 will be used to confirm the presence and correction of SB patterns. AK procedures are also used to correlate each SB pattern with their related patterns of sutural restrictions and their global patterns of musculoskeletal compensation. This workshop also includes more advanced vault and facial sutural release techniques.
By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to immediately apply this knowledge in clinical practice to benefit their patients. Clinical experience applying the SB pattern releases is essential for the CranioStructural Integration workshops.
Participants Will Learn:
SB patterns are compensations in the position and function of cranial structures.
Characteristics of the 10 named SB patterns.
How to identify and correct SB patterns using cranial ROM procedures.
The unique pattern of sutural restrictions associated with each SB pattern.
The pattern of strong and weak (inhibited) muscles associated with each SB pattern.
How SB patterns are mutually compensatory with spinal and pelvic patterns.
How releasing sutural restrictions may clear an SB pattern.
How to use SB ROM releases as a ‘stand-alone’ treatment procedure.
CSF-2: Sphenobasilar Releases for the Ten Patterns
Early: $395. Regular: $445.
This workshop is a prerequisite for CSI.
Register Now for Your Next CranioSomatic Workshop
Background: The adult skull is described as consisting of 28 bones. Six of these bones are located in the two temporal bones (the three ossicles of each inner ear) and are not usually discussed with the other cranial bones. Of the remaining twenty-two bones, eight form the vault and fourteen form the facial region. Cranial bones are capable of limited movement that generally involves all cranial bones moving together as a single coordinated unit.
These global movements of cranial bones begin with slight movements of the sphenoid and occiput at their articular junction (the sphenobasilar synchondrosis) and are referred to as sphenobasilar (SB) movements. Ten SB movements are described in the osteopathic literature. Each is associated with a unique arrangement of the vault and facial bones; a unique pattern of sutural restrictions; and a unique pattern of facilitated and inhibited muscles. SB movements are mutually compensatory with the movements of the spine and pelvis and result in unique patterns of spinal and pelvic compensations.
The ten SB movements consist of five pairs of opposing SB movements (e.g., right versus left torsion, superior versus inferior vertical strains, flexion versus extension, etc.). In these opposing movements the quantity and quality of movement should be equal. When they are not the condition is referred to as a “motion dysfunction” and the cranial pattern is named for the direction of greatest movement. For example, if the flexion movement is greater than the extension movement, the pattern is named a flexion pattern; the cranial bones are considered to have moved into, and are stuck in, this movement.